Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive

Highlights - As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000. - Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs. - SNA commits…

April Sleeper Cell Report – Coalition Strikes Continue In Turkish-Occupied Territories Against ISIS Leadership

Key Points: 20 confirmed sleeper cell attacks in April, no change from March. 10 military personnel killed, 17 military personnel injured, three civilians injured in ISIS attacks. At least five ISIS members killed and 19 arrested…

March Sleeper Cell Report – Attacks doubled on previous month

Members of the SDF special forces Yekîneyên Antî Teror (YAT) Key points 20 sleeper cell attacks in March, up from February’s ten. Eight people (four military personnel and four civilians) died in those attacks, eight (seven military…

February Sleeper Cell Report – US personnel injured in sleeper cell raid

Fire ablaze in NES' al-Hol camp Key points 10 independently confirmed sleeper cell attacks, far down from January’s 20. 1 military personnel and 3 civilians killed, significantly down from 15 deaths last month. 7 arrests and…

Incessant War: Turkey’s Drone Campaign in NES, 2022

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After several failed attempts to secure a greenlight from the United States of America (US) and Russia for a ground invasion in NES, Turkey has relied increasingly on drone attacks as a strategy to weaken the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)…

State of the Occupation Q1 & Q2 2022: Lack of Accountability of SNA Crimes, HTS Incursion in Afrin, and ISIS in Turkish-Occupied Territories

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RIC’s quarterly report on the state of the Turkish occupation in Northern Syria tracks human rights violations and crimes committed by Turkey and Turkish-backed SNA groups in the occupied regions of Afrin and the ‘M4 Strip’ – the…

January Sleeper Cell Report – Two large-scale raid campaigns from the SDF

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Key Points No violent incidents in al-Hol camp. 20 confirmed sleeper cell attacks, down from December’s 28. 10 military and 5 civilians killed, 12 military injured, 1 civilian injured; broadly on par with last month. 145…

Annual Sleeper Cell Report 2022

  While ISIS' 2019 defeat in Baghouz, at the hands of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Global Coalition, saw the former finally lose its territorial caliphate, the enduring activity of ISIS sleeper cells in North and East Syria…

November Sleeper Cell Report – the fight against ISIS in the shadow of Turkey’s military operation

Key Points 17 sleeper cell attacks in November, down from October’s 22. 5 military personnel and 4 civilians killed, roughly similar to October. 2 outbreak attempts and 2 murders in al-Hol camp. 7 SDF counter-ISIS raids, 4 with…

Joves promeses: Una introducció al sistema universitari del NES

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  Davant la guerra i l'aïllament regional, l'Administració Autònoma del Nord i l'Est de Síria (AANES) ha construït al seu territori una xarxa d'universitats per rivalitzar amb les institucions de producció de coneixement del…

Summary Report: Turkey’s Attacks on North and East Syria (NES) 24 November 2022

As Turkey's bombardment of NES continues through its fifth day, RIC presents its record of the total number of casualties since the beginning, as well as a record of the events of the past 24 hours.