Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive

Highlights - As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000. - Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs. - SNA commits…

Repeat Attacks on Infrastructure – Turkey’s October 2024 Airstrike Campaign

On the night of October 23rd, 2024, Turkey began a multi-day airstrike campaign in the region of North and East Syria (NES) that targeted essential civilian infrastructure, cutting electricity, fuel, and water supplies, for an estimated…

Turkey’s October Campaign – Airstrikes Targeting NES’ Essential Infrastructure

On the night of October 4th, Turkey began a multi-day airstrike campaign in the autonomous region of North and East Syria (NES), systematically targeting essential civilian infrastructure, killing 48 people, including 9 civilians, and injuring…

After the Earthquake: Impacts of the Natural Disaster Within War-Torn AANES Territories

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The earthquake that hit the regions of southern Turkey and north-west Syria in the early morning of February 6th 2023 with a magnitude of 7.8 was the strongest in the region since 1939. The epicenter was the city of Pazarcık, Turkey. While…

When Jihadism Learns to Smile: HTS’ Evolution and its Current Presence in North and Northwestern Syria

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Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) has spent the last year branching out from its Idlib stronghold to plant itself within SNA-held northern Syria. As it expands politically and militarily into northern Syria, HTS - a designated terrorist organization…

Overcoming the Siege: Shehba Region Beyond the Refugee Camps

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Shehba region is another example of the absence of a solution for the Syrian Civil War, and the consequences that this entails. The limbo in which the region finds itself is the result of the development of the war, but also of the aspirations…

Joves promeses: Una introducció al sistema universitari del NES

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  Davant la guerra i l'aïllament regional, l'Administració Autònoma del Nord i l'Est de Síria (AANES) ha construït al seu territori una xarxa d'universitats per rivalitzar amb les institucions de producció de coneixement del…

Jóvenes promesas: Una introducción al sistema universitario del NES

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Descargar Ante la guerra y el aislamiento regional, la Administración Autónoma del Norte y Este de Siria (AANES) ha construido en su territorio una red de universidades para rivalizar con las instituciones de producción de conocimiento…

Young and Promising: An Introduction to the NES University System

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In the face of war and regional isolation, the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (AANES) has constructed a network of universities on its territory in order to rival the knowledge-production institutions of the Syrian government.…

The Syrian National Army: The Turkish Proxy Militias of Northern Syria

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Download the full report here. The Syrian National Army (SNA) was established in late 2017, composed mainly of Turkmen factions. It grew into a kaleidoscope of militias, including former Free Syrian Army (FSA) militias, armed groups from…

The Rojava Revolution – A Decade On

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Part I History of the Revolution: Much Achieved, Still Much to be Done 1. Introduction The ‘Rojava Revolution’ began exactly ten years ago, on July 19th 2012, when three predominantly Kurdish-inhabited areas of Syria declared their…