Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive
- As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000.
- Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs.
- SNA commits…

Turkey-backed forces accused of cutting water to Syrian Kurdish-run region
Media Coverage
A vehicle belonging to Turkey-backed Syrian rebel fighters is parked next to a Turkish military bulldozer in the Syrian town of Ras al Ain, as seen from the Turkish border town of Ceylanpinar, in Sanliurfa province, Turkey, October 30, 2019.…

US-led Coalition airdrops military equipment to Kurdish forces in Syria
Media Coverage
Original article by Kurdistan24, February 24, 2020
ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – The US-led anti-Islamic State Coalition on Wednesday airdropped military equipment in Syria’s eastern Deir al-Zor Province in support of the Syrian Democratic…

ROJAVA the suspended future
Media Coverage
"What remains now of Rojava, created in 2014 during the battle of Kobane, won by Kurdish forces at the cost of enormous sacrifices?"
We provided translation and fixing services…

Has Turkey’s Incursion Into Syria Opened The Door For An Islamic State Comeback?
Media Coverage
Original article by WarOnTheRocks, February 21, 2020
“People who travel north through these areas bid their family goodbye, in case they do not return,” said Samir, a lawyer living in Hajjin, south-eastern Syria, referring to areas…

Surviving after the Disappearance of the Islamic State: A Strategy for the Resilience of the Syrian Kurdish Movement
Media Coverage
Our research in this paper (ENG, AR, FR), arguing that despite recent geopolitical shifts, "The Kurdish movement still manages to assert itself as a coherent political entity and the sole credible actor to hold the ground and maintain pressure…

Database: January 2020 sleeper-cell attacks and raids
Report, Sleeper Cells
Key Facts:
Despite attack rates having decreased 40% since December (84, 50), ISIS and other sleeper-cell groups claimed 32 deaths - an increase of 78% compared to December.Increased targeting of Mukhtars (village elders) and council…

Dossier: El sistema democrático en el Norte y Este de Siria
Indepth Dossiers, Report
La invasión turca de Siria del 9 de octubre de 2019 inició un nuevo capítulo en la Guerra Civil de este país y abrió nuevos escenarios políticos para los poderes regionales y globales. A medida que las Fuerzas Armadas turcas…

Rapporto: del sistema democratico nella Siria del Nord e dell’Est
Indepth Dossiers, Report
L’invasione turca della Siria il 9 ottobre 2019 ha dato avvio a un nuovo capitolo della guerra civile siriana e ha aperto nuove arene per i giochi di potere politico delle potenze regionali e globali. Mentre le forze armate turche…