Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive
- As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000.
- Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs.
- SNA commits…

Syria: Debates won’t change reality – Middle East Institute, US
Media Coverage
Original article by Elizabeth Dent
Photo by DELIL SOULEIMAN/AFP/Getty Images
Over the past few weeks, my colleagues at MEI have debated whether the U.S. should stay in Syria or leave. Here I’d make a different argument: that it…

Database: Over 30 Turkish cross-border attacks against Rojava in 2019, only 1 attack targets Turkey
Indepth Dossiers, Report
A new Rojava Information Center database has documented over thirty Turkish cross-border attacks targeting North East Syria since the beginning of 2019 alone, with rocket and heavy weapons fire wounding and killing at least 27 civilians.

Sleeper cell attacks continue in northeast Syria – K24, Iraqi Kurdistan
Media Coverage
Original article by Wladimir van Wilgenburg
Security forces rush to the scene of an explosion in Tabqa, Aug. 26, 2019.Photo: Raqqa Media Centre
ERBIL (Kurdistan 24) – Sleeper cell attacks in areas the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces…

G7, Trump to Merkel: “Europe gets foreign fighters back” – ilGiornale, Italy
Media Coverage
Original article by Alessandra Benignetti
Il presidente americano, Donald Trump, dal summit di Biarritz ha ribadito l'appello ai leader europei per il rimpatrio dei jihadisti partiti dal Vecchio Continente che sono ancora prigionieri…

Europe grapples with ISIS returnees and their families – Arab Weekly, UK, UAE, US
Media Coverage
Original article by Stephen Quillen
Legal and ethical conundrum. Belgian women Tatiana Wielandt (L) and Bouchra Abouallal, who joined ISIS in Syria, speak to reporters in Ain Issa, Syria, last March. (Reuters)

Enemy at the gates – Catarsi Magazin, Catalonia
Media Coverage
Original article by Alvaro Urbano
Turquia prepara una ofensiva per acabar definitivament amb l'experiència d'un territori kurd autònom al nord sirià. El poble kurd, conscient de l'amenaça, es prepara per un embat que transcendeix…

Germany brought IS children back from Syria for the first time – Berliner Morgenpost, Germany
Media Coverage
Article by DPA staff
Die Kinder, die die deutschen Behörden nach Deutschland geholt haben, lebten zuletzt in einem Flüchtlingslager im Nordosten Syriens (Symbolbild). Foto: dpa Picture-Alliance / Maya Alleruzzo / picture…

Germany brings back the first children of German IS supporters – Welt, Germany
Media Coverage
Original article by Ibrahim Naber and Alfred Hackensberger, Welt.
Die Bundesrepublik hat erstmals Kinder von deutschen IS-Anhängerinnen in Obhut genommen. Die Kinder wurden an der Grenze zwischen Syrien und dem Irak übergeben. Von dort…

Germany brings home its first children of ISIS fighters – Fyens Stiftstidende, Denmark
Media Coverage
Original article by Fyens Stiftstidende staff
Tyske myndigheder hentede mandag for første gang børn af tyske Islamisk Stat-krigere ud af Syrien, hvor børnene har siddet i den store al-Hol-lejr, som kontrolleres af kurdiske styrker. Her…

Turkey, NATO’s second biggest power deals with Russians and jihadists – Il Fatto Quotidiano, Italy
Media Coverage
Original article by Alberto Marzocchi
Photo by Adem ALTAN / AFP
rlare di Turchia con toni critici non è sempre facile. Professori, analisti e politici – al di là dei casi di convenienza e di interessi personali – hanno subito, e…