Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive

Highlights - As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000. - Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs. - SNA commits…

Interview – Sara Organization

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Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. RIC interviewed Arzo Tammo, the coordinator of Sara’s Qamishlo center. Sara is an organization specifically created to address violence against women, such as combating…

Interview – Zenobia Women’s Gathering

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L to R: Buthina Abod and Miyada al-Ahmed [July 2024] “We're here to be a real source of support for women, helping them understand their role in the workplace and within their families.” RIC spoke to Zenobia Women’s Gathering,…

After surviving ISIS and a civil war, these Syrian women built a female-only village – CNN, US

Original article by Loumay Alesali and Christina Zdanowicz, CNN. Fatma Emin's life changed forever when her husband died in the Syrian war, killed by ISIS in a land mine attack. It triggered a series of events that would bring her to…

Our treatment of the ‘Isis matchmaker’ will only create the Islamist terrorists of the future

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Original article by Robert Verkaik, the Independent, 3 April 2019 The destruction of Isis as many problems as it has solved – none more so than the plight of dozens of British women who travelled to Syria and…

British jihadi known as the ‘ISIS matchmaker’ is found in a Syrian refugee camp – Daily Mail, UK

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Original article by Emer Scully For Mailonline, Daily Mail. A GUN-toting jihadi known as ‘the ISIS matchmaker’ has been found in a refugee camp in northern Syria, it was reported last night. Tooba Gondal, now 25, left her home in…

I eradicated Isis with my women comrades. Now our aim is to spread feminism across the Middle East – The Independent, UK

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Original article by Amara Şervan, The Independent, 25 March 2019 I decided to join the YPJ in 2013. From the very start, Rimelan until Derik, Tel Kocer, Sere Kaniye, Manbij, Shengal, until now in Deir Ezzor, in every campaign, we went…

Anonymous heroines of Syria face ISIS & patriarchy – TV3, Catalonia

Original article by Txell Feixas, TV3, Feb 2, 2019. El conflicte sirià ens ha sorprès, durant gairebé vuit anys, superant llindars de crueltat cada cop més inhumans. Per això, en aquest país es poden sentir ara testimonis de resistència…