Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive
- As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000.
- Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs.
- SNA commits…

Rojava’s Women-Led Restorative Justice System Centers Mediation, Not Retribution
Media Coverage
Rojava’s restorative legal system offers a different model of community care, seeking to minimize police involvement.
Original article published on Truthout by Ella Fassler on October 20, 2023
Kurdish women learn…

Türkei nimmt Bevölkerung ins Visier
Media Coverage
Rojava, Westkurdistan
Original article published on KONTEXT WOCHENZEITUNG by Florian Kaufmann on 18.10.202
Während die internationale Gemeinschaft schweigt, startet die Türkei neue Angriffe auf die mehrheitlich kurdisch bewohnte…

Interview – Washokani IDP Camp
Focus, Interviews, News
On the 4th anniversary of the Turkish invasion and subsequent occupation of the ‘M4 Strip,’ RIC interviewed Berzan Abdullah, one of the members of the administration of Washokani camp, near Heseke city, and Souria Mohamed Hussain, a…

Aktualisierter Bericht über die jüngste Welle von Luftangriffen der Türkei gegen zivile Infrastruktur in Nord- und Ostsyrien
Aktualisierte Informationen zur jüngsten Welle von Luftangriffen der Türkei gegen zivile Infrastruktur im autonom verwalteten Nord- und Ostsyrien, inklusive einer Liste und Karte mit allen Angriffszielen, und aufbereitet mit offiziellen…

Rapporto di aggiornamento sull’ondata di attacchi aerei della Turchia contro le infrastrutture umanitarie nel NES
In allegato l'aggiornamento sull'ondata di attacchi aerei in corso da parte della Turchia contro le infrastrutture umanitarie nella Siria del Nord-Est a guida curda, con elenco e mappa di tutti gli attacchi e degli obiettivi, oltre a dati,…

Frappes aériennes de la Turquie contre les infrastructures civiles dans le nord et l’est de la Syrie
Une mise à jour sur la vague actuelle de frappes aériennes de la Turquie contre les infrastructures civiles dans le nord et l'est de la Syrie dirigée par les Kurdes est jointe, avec une liste et une carte de toutes les frappes et cibles,…

Ataque turco a la infraestructura humanitaria de la NES: Octubre 2023, Actualización del Informe
Se adjunta la información actualizada sobre la actual oleada de ataques aéreos de Turquía contra infraestructuras humanitarias en el norte y este de Siria, bajo control kurdo, con lista y mapa de todos los ataques y objetivos, además…

Turkish Assault on NES Humanitarian Infrastructure: October 2023, Update Report
Update on Turkey's ongoing wave of airstrikes against humanitarian infrastructure in Kurdish-led North and East Syria is attached, with list and map of all strikes and targets, plus data, comment and background.

Rojava’s Improvised Revolution
Media Coverage
Original article published on Truthdig by Matt Broomfield on October 9, 2023.
How the Middle East’s most progressive society survives in the face of catastrophe. The all-female HPC Jin, a community, women-led defense force, embodies the…

September Sleeper Cell Report – UNSC Sets End Date for UNITAD ISIS Accountability Mission
Sleeper Cells
Key Points
Violent unrest during the SDF “Security Enhancement Operation” during the first half of September sees fewer raids but also fewer explicitly ISIS-claimed attacks.
6 confirmed ISIS sleeper cell attacks occurred in NES;…