Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive
- As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000.
- Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs.
- SNA commits…

Bulletin: North East Syria Updates – 25.2.2019
See more pictures on Twitter @rojavaIC & instagram @rojavaic
Key events
- Hundreds of people
are leaving Baghouz, the last hold-out of ISIS, to al-Hol camp in
Hasekeh, where the number is day by day increasing and around 40,000

In northern Syria, a society prepares for war against Turkey – Middle East Eye, UK
Media Coverage
Original article by Sylvain Mercadier, Middle East Eye, UK, Feb 23, 2019
A group of female volunteers from the HPC-Jin organisation (Civilian
Defence Forces - Women) are meeting with other women from the community
and are giving…

What do we do with the foreign ISIS fighters? – Cadena SER, Spain
Media Coverage, News
Original article by Oriol Andrés Gallart, Cadena SER, Spain, Feb 23, 2019
see more on Twitter @rojavaic
Cientos de extranjeros viajaron a Siria e Irak para luchar en las
filas de Estado Islámico. Ahora que el autoproclamado "califato"…

The last spot of IS – Wochenzeitung, Switzerland
Media Coverage
Original article by Julia Wartmann, Wochenzeitung, Feb 21, 2019
Schon bald dürfte der sogenannte Islamische Staat in Syrien militärisch besiegt sein. Umso dringender stellt sich die Frage: Was geschieht nun mit den Menschen in den zurückeroberten…

RIC researcher in interview with BBC
Media Coverage
Chloe Troadec spokes to Joseph Shephard, BBC Radio, about current situation in Deir-ez-Zor region, Feb 21, 2019

Bulletin: North East Syria updates 10 – 17.02.2019
Key events:
ISIS’ physical caliphate reduced to last few hundred square meters, not eradicated yet due to civilian presence: Read more
ISIS sleeper cell attacks on the increase across North East Syria: Read more
more than 1000 ISIS members…

‘Taking their last breath’: IS hides among Syrian civilians – ITV News, UK
Media Coverage, News
Original article by ITV, 17 Feb, 2019
see more on twitter @rojavaic
From a self-proclaimed caliphate that once spread across much of Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State group has been knocked back to a speck of land on the countries'…

Interview with SDF spokesperson Mustafa Bali
News, Report
about the on-going fights in Baghouz to Rojava Information Center, Feb 12, 2019
Update on the situation in Baghouz? Is it true there’s only 1KM² left?
Now, the war in Baghouz
can be described as taking place in a very limited space.…

Statement from SDF commander about final operation against ISIS
News, Report
Adnan Afrin, commander in charge of final operation in Baghuz to Rojava Information Center, 14 Feb, 2019
Adnan Arif, SDF commander
“There are civilians now surrendering to SDF, civilians who were living in ISIS territory. The civilians…

Isis fighters surrounded in ‘tent city’ in Syria as final offensive imminent – The Independent, UK
Media Coverage, News
Original article by Richard Hall, Independent, Feb 15, 2019
SDF forces return across the Syrian desert after a long day fighting the last remnants of ISIS - Twitter @rojavaic
The Isis caliphate has been reduced to a few dozen tents in…