Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive
- As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000.
- Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs.
- SNA commits…

The Syrian National Army: The Turkish Proxy Militias of Northern Syria
Indepth Dossiers, News, Report
Download the full report here.
The Syrian National Army (SNA) was established in late 2017, composed mainly of Turkmen factions. It grew into a kaleidoscope of militias, including former Free Syrian Army (FSA) militias, armed groups from…

The Rojava Revolution – A Decade On
Explainers, Focus, Indepth Dossiers, News, Report
Part I
History of the Revolution: Much Achieved, Still Much to be Done
1. Introduction
The ‘Rojava Revolution’ began exactly ten years ago, on July 19th 2012, when three predominantly Kurdish-inhabited areas of Syria declared their…

June Sleeper Cell Report: No Change in Number of Attacks, Raids
News, Report, Sleeper Cells
Group of girls in al-Hol's foreigners' Annex during a 'graduation ceremony' under ISIS banner (see below).
Sleeper cell attacks remained on par with May, though more deadly for SDF
Violence outside al-Hol is more deadly: 16…

Estado de la ocupación Q4 2021: Las luchas internas alcanzan su punto más alto durante el otoño mientras se avecina la guerra
Afrin, News, Occupation Report, Report
Descargue el informe completo aquí.
El informe trimestral de RIC sobre el estado de la ocupación turca en el norte de Siria hace un seguimiento de las violaciones de los derechos humanos y los crímenes cometidos por Turquía y los grupos…