Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive

Highlights - As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000. - Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs. - SNA commits…

April Sleeper Cell Report – SDF Commander in Chief Criticizes Coalition’s “Diminished Focus”

SDF ‘Commandos’ conduct a security operation in Deir ez-Zor, April 26th. [Photo: SDF] Key points 25 sleeper cell attacks in April, 2 less than March  10 military personnel killed and 11 injured, 6 civilians killed and…

March Sleeper Cell Report – Moscow attack puts international spotlight on ISIS’ enduring threat

Key points 27 sleeper cell attacks in March, just one up from February 10 military personnel killed, 13 military personnel injured, 1 civilian killed in ISIS attacks 6 ISIS members killed and 31 arrested in 7 SDF/Asayish raids…

February Sleeper Cell Report – ISIS attacks up, Turkiye targets YPG/YPJ veterans

YPJ forces participate in "Operation Humanity and Security" in Hol camp. Key points Sleeper cell attacks up 62% from January 6 military personnel killed, 11 military personnel injured, 6 civilians killed in ISIS attacks - roughly…

January Sleeper Cell Report – Third Phase of Hol Camp Operation Begins

Asayish forces in Hol camp during the third phase of "Operation Humanity and Security" Key Points: 16 confirmed sleeper cell attacks across NES in January; equal to the month prior 4 military personnel killed, 10 military personnel…

Informe Anual Sobre Celulas Durmientes En NES 2023

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El informe anual del RIC sobre las células durmientes del ISIS en el norte y este de Siria correspondiente a 2023 desglosa los principales acontecimientos y estadísticas del último año. Los ataques registrados de células durmientes…

Annual Sleeper Cell Report 2023

RIC's annual North and East Syria ISIS sleeper cell report for 2023 breaks down the key events and statistics from the last year. Recorded attacks from ISIS sleeper cells fell 34% from 285 in 2022 to 189 in 2023. Number of casualties…

Turkish airstrikes on Suwaydiyah power station: documenting the damage

Turkey has established a systematic practice of targeting NES' power infrastructure in period airstrike campaigns, usually lasting several days. Amongst Turkey's key targets is the Suwaydiyah gas and electricity station. This vital station…

Rapporto di dicembre sulle cellule dormienti – L’Isis uccide civili legati alla DAANES a Deir ez-Zor

Membri delle forze di commando dell'SDF durante un'esercitazione contro l'Isis (Foto: Baderkhan Ahmad)   Punti chiave: - sedici attacchi confermati nella NES da parte di cellule dormienti dell’Isis a dicembre, in aumento rispetto agli…

December Sleeper Cell Report – ISIS assassinates DAANES-linked civilians in Deir ez-Zor

Members of SDF Commando Forces during a counter-ISIS training exercise (Photo: Baderkhan Ahmad) Key Points: 16 confirmed sleeper cell attacks across NES in December; an increase from 11 in November ISIS attacks kill 12 military personnel,…

Turkey’s October Campaign – Airstrikes Targeting NES’ Essential Infrastructure

On the night of October 4th, Turkey began a multi-day airstrike campaign in the autonomous region of North and East Syria (NES), systematically targeting essential civilian infrastructure, killing 48 people, including 9 civilians, and injuring…