Standing Alone: Medical, Political And Social Strategies For Supporting War-wounded Individuals In NES

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Download the report here. In a May 2020 report, the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights estimated the number of deaths in the Syrian conflict at between 384,000 and 586,100 people. Since the outbreak of violence in 2011, the war…

Hidden Battlefields: Rehabilitating ISIS Affiliates and Building a Democratic Culture in Their Former Territories

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RIC_HiddenBattlefields_-DEC2020Download A “general amnesty” for all Syrian nationals held in Hol Camp was recently announced by the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), the political authority representing the autonomous regions of…

After ISIS: Ensuring a future for Christians and other minorities in North and East Syria

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RIC Dossier 0409 SP2Download North and East Syria is both religiously and ethnically diverse. It is inhabited not only by (primarily Sunni Muslim) Arabs and Kurds, but also by Syriac-Assyrian Christians, Armenian Christians, Turkmen, Circassian,…

Dossier: El sistema democràtic del nord i l’est de Síria

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El 9 d'octubre de 2019, la invasió turca de Síria va iniciar un nou capítol en la Guerra Civil d'aquest país i va obrir nous escenaris polítics pels poders regionals i globals.

Six months on: political, security and humanitarian outcomes of Turkey’s 2019 invasion of North and East Syria

  On 9 October 2019, Turkey attacked border cities throughout North and East Syria (NES), with the aim of occupying the areas around Sere Kaniye and Tel Abyad. This resulted in the displacement of over 200,000 civilians…

Report: Der Aufbau des demokratischen Systems in Nord- und Ostsyrien

  Die türkische Invasion in Syrien am 9. Oktober 2019 hat ein neues Kapitel im syrischen Bürgerkrieg aufgeschlagen und neue Arenen für die politischen Machtspiele regionaler und globaler Mächte eröffnet. Da die türkischen Streitkräfte…

Dossier: Turkish provision of material support to al-Qaeda-linked groups in Idlib

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  Prepared by special request for an upcoming bilateral meeting in the United States Congress, our latest dossier compiles visual evidence of Turkish provision of material support to al-Qaeda-linked groups in Idlib. Turkey is…

Dossier: La construction du système démocratique de la Syrie du Nord et de l’Est

  L’invasion du territoire syrien par la Turquie, le 9 octobre 2019, a entamé un nouveau chapitre de la Guerre Civile syrienne et ouvert de nouvelles arènes aux jeux politiques des pouvoirs régionaux et internationaux. Au moment où…

Dossier: El sistema democrático en el Norte y Este de Siria

La invasión turca de Siria del 9 de octubre de 2019 inició un nuevo capítulo en la Guerra Civil de este país y abrió nuevos escenarios políticos para los poderes regionales y globales. A medida que las Fuerzas Armadas turcas…

Rapporto: del sistema democratico nella Siria del Nord e dell’Est

  L’invasione turca della Siria il 9 ottobre 2019 ha dato avvio a un nuovo capitolo della guerra civile siriana e ha aperto nuove arene per i giochi di potere politico delle potenze regionali e globali. Mentre le forze armate turche…