January Sleeper Cell Report – Two large-scale raid campaigns from the SDF

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Key Points No violent incidents in al-Hol camp. 20 confirmed sleeper cell attacks, down from December’s 28. 10 military and 5 civilians killed, 12 military injured, 1 civilian injured; broadly on par with last month. 145…

Annual Sleeper Cell Report 2022

  While ISIS' 2019 defeat in Baghouz, at the hands of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Global Coalition, saw the former finally lose its territorial caliphate, the enduring activity of ISIS sleeper cells in North and East Syria…

Los ataques de Turquía en el Norte y Este de Siria, el campamento de al-Hol y la batalla contra el ISIS

Desde el comienzo de la reciente escalada de ataques turcos contra el Norte y Este de Siria (NES), figuras de las Fuerzas Democráticas de Siria (FDS) y de la Coalición Global han hecho hincapié en cómo las ofensivas de Turquía hacen descarrilar…

The Shammar tribe in North and East Syria

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“The Shammar is not just a traditional tribe; a big part of the tribe is involved in politics”. The late Sheikh Hamidi talking with SDF General Commander Mazloum Abdi. The Shammar is AANES’ closest ally amongst the Arab tribes in…

November Sleeper Cell Report – the fight against ISIS in the shadow of Turkey’s military operation

Key Points 17 sleeper cell attacks in November, down from October’s 22. 5 military personnel and 4 civilians killed, roughly similar to October. 2 outbreak attempts and 2 murders in al-Hol camp. 7 SDF counter-ISIS raids, 4 with…

Joves promeses: Una introducció al sistema universitari del NES

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  Davant la guerra i l'aïllament regional, l'Administració Autònoma del Nord i l'Est de Síria (AANES) ha construït al seu territori una xarxa d'universitats per rivalitzar amb les institucions de producció de coneixement del…

Turkey’s attacks in North and East Syria, al-Hol camp, and the battle against ISIS

From the start of Turkey's recent escalation of its attacks on NES, figures within the SDF and Global Coalition have emphasized how Turkish offensives derail the fight against ISIS, directly and indirectly. In a new explainer, RIC outlines the…

Testimonios del ataque de “doble toque” de Turquía en Teqil Beqil

El RIC se desplazó a Derik para entrevistar a los testigos del ataque de "doble toque" turco en Teqil Beqil. 5 personas testificaron y contaron sus recuerdos de la noche. Lea sus testimonios traducidos y sin editar: Descargar aqui …

Témoignages de la double frappe de la Turquie contre Teqil Beqil

RIC s'est rendu à Derik pour s'entretenir avec des témoins de la double frappe turque à Teqil Beqil. 5 personnes ont témoigné et raconté leurs souvenirs de la nuit. Lisez leurs témoignages traduits, non édités : Télécharger le…

Summary Report: Turkey’s Attacks on North and East Syria (NES) 24 November 2022

As Turkey's bombardment of NES continues through its fifth day, RIC presents its record of the total number of casualties since the beginning, as well as a record of the events of the past 24 hours.