Entries by Rojava IC

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Interview – Sara Organization

Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. RIC interviewed Arzo Tammo, the coordinator of Sara’s Qamishlo center. Sara is an organization specifically created to address violence against women, such as combating kidnapping and underage marriage. Arzo Tammo [RIC] “We need to challenge the prevailing traditions and cultural norms that perpetuate […]

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Frappes Aériennes Turques sur le Nord et l’Est de la Syrie Visent l’Électricité, le Pétrole et d’Autres Infrastructures Civiles

Rapports quotidiens sur les frappes aériennes Turques sur le Nord et l’Est de la Syrie visant l’électricité, le pétrole et d’autres infrastructures civiles. La Turquie a attaqué plus de 50 sites dans le nord et l’est de la Syrie (NES) depuis la nuit du 23 octobre, et 8 attaques ont été confirmées le 26 octobre. […]

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Update October 26: Turkish Airstrikes Hit Over 50 Locations in NES

Turkey has attacked over 50 locations across NES since the night of October 23, with 8 confirmed attacks on October 26. The number of fatalities remains 14, while the number of injured civilians has risen to 33. The attacks continued to target civilian infrastructure including construction companies, an oil field, a dairy factory and an […]

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Current Turkish Airstrikes on North and East Syria Target Electricity, Oil and Other Civilian Infrastructure

  On October 23 and 24, Turkey has attacked 30 confirmed locations throughout NES, carrying out airstrikes targeting electricity, oil, and other civilian infrastructure. Many locations were hit several times. The air strikes targeted factories, two bakeries, a health center, and Asayish (Internal Security Forces) checkpoints. Oil stations such as Awda, Tafla, and Suwaydiyah, along […]


Explainer: General Amnesty Law

The Democratic People’s Council of the DAANES issued the General Amnesty law no. 10 on July 17th, 2024, in response to the demands of tribal leaders during the 2nd Syrian tribes’ forum. The latter was held in Heseke on May 25th and attended by around 5,000 sheikhs and other tribal notables. The law reflects the […]