Current Turkish Airstrikes on North and East Syria Target Electricity, Oil and Other Civilian Infrastructure

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On October 23 and 24, Turkey has attacked 30 confirmed locations throughout NES, carrying out airstrikes targeting electricity, oil, and other civilian infrastructure. Many locations were hit several times.

The air strikes targeted factories, two bakeries, a health center, and Asayish (Internal Security Forces) checkpoints. Oil stations such as Awda, Tafla, and Suwaydiyah, along with power stations in Kobane and Amude that supply and service the cities were also hit.

This repeated targeting of vital and service facilities precipitates a humanitarian disaster in an area that is home to millions of people, who are already suffering from severe fuel and gas shortages as a result of Turkey’s repeated targeting of infrastructure facilities in previous years.

Rojava Information Center is available to provide on-the-ground comment, plus photos and videos from airstrike sites and contact to political representatives and humanitarian personnel for comment.