Incessant War: Turkey’s Drone Campaign in NES, 2022

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After several failed attempts to secure a greenlight from the United States of America (US) and Russia for a ground invasion in NES, Turkey has relied increasingly on drone attacks as a strategy to weaken the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the AANES. In 2022, in North and East Syria (NES), RIC recorded 130 drone strikes, killing 87 people and injuring 151. These strikes range from targeted assassinations of important military or political personnel, to hits on civilian infrastructure and children. This report presents the statistics gathered by RIC across the year and summarizes the impact of the strikes on NES. 2022’s 130 strikes mark a 46% increase from the 89 strikes RIC recorded in 2021. Turkey’s drone war in NES impacts the region in three key ways: obstructing the global mission to defeat ISIS, hampering democracy-building efforts, and engendering an unstable and insecure environment for civilians.

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  1. […] Northern Iraq and Syria thousands of times since 2015, including 130 drone strikes in Syria in 2022 alone. These attacks are supported by the United States and United Kingdom with billions of dollars worth […]

  2. […] or the Kurds, Yazidis and Arabs resisting Turkey, a longtime NATO member, in its occupation and drone war throughout the north and east of […]

  3. […] or the Kurds, Yazidis and Arabs resisting Turkey, a longtime NATO member, in its occupation and drone war throughout the north and east of […]

  4. […] or the Kurds, Yazidis and Arabs resisting Turkey, a longtime NATO member, in its occupation and drone war throughout the north and east of […]

  5. […] or the Kurds, Yazidis and Arabs resisting Turkey, a longtime NATO member, in its occupation and drone war throughout the north and east of Syria. Our love of freedom only extends to people who serve our […]

  6. […] Yazidis and Arabs resisting Turkey, a longtime NATO member, in its occupation and drone war throughout the north and east of Syria. Our love of freedom only extends to people who serve […]

  7. […] or the Kurds, Yazidis and Arabs resisting Turkey, a longtime NATO member, in its occupation and drone war throughout the north and east of Syria. Our love of freedom only extends to people who serve our […]

  8. […] Yazidis and Arabs resisting Turkey, a longtime NATO member, in its occupation and drone war throughout the north and east of Syria. Our love of freedom only extends to people who serve […]

  9. […] een rapport van het Rojava Informatiecentrum (RIC) voerde Turkije in 2022 130 drone-aanvallen uit in het […]

  10. […] 130 drone strikes on northeast Syria in 2022 – a 46% increase over 2021, a report by the Rojava Information Center (RIC), a Syria-based research group, said on Thursday.  […]

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