Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive

Highlights - As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000. - Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs. - SNA commits…

PRI – “People in northeast Syria are in desperate need of help. Aid groups can’t get to them”

 July 01, 2020 · 2:30 PM EDT Original artical By Shirin Jaafari, The World. People in northeast Syria are in desperate need of help. Aid groups can’t get to them. This week, heads of 20 aid agencies published an open letter urging…

Sweeping SDF and Coalition raids drive fall in ISIS sleeper-cell attacks

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Sleeper-cell attacks fall 46% in North and East Syria as SDF conducts week of raids arresting 110 ISIS suspects Assassinations nonetheless increase 63% and injuries 41%, but number of deliberate crop-fires drops 60% as harvest is collected ISIS…

Utrikes Magasinet – Allt fler IS-fångar på rymmen – Turkiet gängse väg hem

Original Article by Bitte Hammargren, Utrikes Magasinet, 01 July 2020 Detta är en uppdaterad version av en analys som Bitte Hammargren skrivit på uppdrag av Center mot våldsbejakande extremism (CVE). Nyligen rymde tre finska kvinnor…

Dossier: El sistema democràtic del nord i l’est de Síria

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El 9 d'octubre de 2019, la invasió turca de Síria va iniciar un nou capítol en la Guerra Civil d'aquest país i va obrir nous escenaris polítics pels poders regionals i globals.

Wave of arson attacks add to growing sleeper-cell threat in North and East Syria

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In May, both joint SDF and Coalition raids and sleeper-cell raids increased.  Raids increased 86% (22 up to 41), even before the start of June’s massive anti-ISIS operation in Deir-ez-Zor. Total attacks increased 110% (40 up to 84),…

Interview: NGO officer talks about the situation of IDPs since Turkish invasion

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Washokani IDP camp Interview with Mohammed Baaqi, livelihood officer for the NGO Hevi. The NGO works with IDPs living both in camps and informal settlements. Mohammed Baaqi was interviewed 26 April 2020. My name is Mohammed Baaqi, and…

Interview: Sozda Ahmed from the Water Bureau for Heseke on water cut-offs, impact on Corona prevention

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Sozda Ahmed is the co-chair of the Water Bureau for Heseke canton. She was interviewed on 8 April 2020. Right now, we are reliant on water being pumped from the pumping station at Allouk, but there is no guarantee as far as this station…

Interview: Workers discuss the economic impact of Corona in NES

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A logistics worker, a day laborer and a housewife from Hemo village, near Qamishlo, talk about the economic hardship they have been facing since the Corona outbreak. They were interviewed 25 May 2020. Suleiman Hussein Suleiman, logistics…
Kongra Star

Explainer: Kongra Star, the Women’s Congress

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Kongra Star, which means “Star Congress” (in reference to the ancient Mesopotamian goddess, Ishtar), is the congress of the women’s movement in North and East Syria. It was first established in 2004 as Yêkitiya Star (Star Union),…

Explainer: TEV-DEM – Unions and Counter-Power

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TEV-DEM was founded in 2011 to build up the democratic system of communes and assemblies. This is the role that it played in the previous system, in the three initial cantons: Afrin, Jazeera and Kobane. In Manbij, Raqqa, Tabqa and Deir ez-Zor…