Translation: DAANES Initiative For Intra-Syrian Dialogue

On December 16th, the DAANES announced an initiative for intra-Syrian dialogue and expressed readiness for cooperation with the transitional government in Damascus.

RIC’s full translation of the 10-point proposal:

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“With the fall of the tyrannical Baathist regime, Syria has entered a new phase. In order to successfully navigate this transitional period, we must join hands, unite, and draw a shared roadmap. The policy of exclusion and marginalization that destroyed Syria must end, and all political actors must participate in building the new Syria, including in its transitional period. We call on all Syrian parties to reconsider their approaches to each other and put common national interests above all else.

Based on this principle, we believe that cooperation between the Democratic Autonomous Administration and the political administration in Damascus will be in the favour of all Syrians and will contribute to facilitating a successful end to this difficult phase.

We in the Democratic Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria Region are committed to our responsibility towards the Syrian people with all their diversity. For fulfilling the duties towards our people we propose this initiative for intra-Syrian dialogue to build a new Syria.

In the Democratic Autonomous Administration, we value the positive role of the Arab countries and friends who support all the peoples of Syria. This support should continue so that the rights of all peoples are guaranteed on a democratic basis in order to find a suitable foundation for starting comprehensive national Syrian dialogue within which everyone participates.

On this basis, we call on all Syrian forces to work together to achieve these steps, which we consider crucial at this phase, which are as follows:

1. Preserving the unity and sovereignty of Syrian territory and protecting it from attacks launched by the Turkish state and its mercenaries.

2. Ceasing military operations in all Syrian territories to start a comprehensive and constructive national dialogue.

3. Adopting an attitude of tolerance and refraining from hate speech among Syrians. Syria has a wealth of peoples and this richness and diversity must be preserved on a fair and democratic basis.

4. Holding an emergency meeting of all Syrian political actors in Damascus to unify visions on the transitional phase.

5. Active participation of women in the political process.

6. Fairly distributing wealth and economic resources among all Syrian regions, given that they belong to all Syrian people.

7. Guaranteeing the return of locals and forcibly displaced populations to their areas of origin. Protecting their cultural heritage and stopping politics of demographic change.

8. In light of the developments that have taken place in Syria, we reaffirm that we will continue to fight terrorism to ensure that the terrorist organization ISIS does not re-emerge. This is through cooperation between the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Global Coalition.

9. Bringing an end to the state of occupation, leaving the decision to the Syrian people to determine their future, and applying the principle of good neighbourliness.

10. We welcome the constructive role of the Arab countries, the United Nations, the forces of the Global Coalition, and all active international forces in Syria. We urge them all to play a positive and effective role in providing advice and support to the Syrian people, bringing together diverse views. This role should be to ensure stability and security, preventing external interventions in the Syrian matter.

Democratic Autonomous Administration of the North and East Syria Region.


Link to original version on DAANES website in Arabic: