Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive

Highlights - As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000. - Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs. - SNA commits…

Update November 30: Northern Syria Offensive

Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is a Sunni Salafi political and military organization with a stronghold in the Idlib region of North-West Syria. Since November 26th, they have been advancing and gaining more territories from the Syrian government…

Interview – Sara Organization

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Today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. RIC interviewed Arzo Tammo, the coordinator of Sara’s Qamishlo center. Sara is an organization specifically created to address violence against women, such as combating…

October Sleeper Cell Report – Slight Increase in ISIS Attacks Amid Turkey’s Aggression on NES

Key points 25 sleeper cell attacks in October, 2 more than in September 2 military personnel killed and 9 injured, 1 civilian killed and 2 injured in ISIS sleeper cell attacks 1 ISIS member killed and 13 arrested in…

Frappes Aériennes Turques sur le Nord et l’Est de la Syrie Visent l’Électricité, le Pétrole et d’Autres Infrastructures Civiles

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Rapports quotidiens sur les frappes aériennes Turques sur le Nord et l’Est de la Syrie visant l’électricité, le pétrole et d’autres infrastructures civiles. La Turquie a attaqué plus de 50 sites dans le nord et l'est de la Syrie…