Update December 4 – Northern Syria Offensive

Highlights - As displaced families continue to pour in to NES, the DAANES estimates that numbers of IDPs will soon reach 120,000. - Critical shortages of essential supplies, food, water, medicines and accommodation for IDPs. - SNA commits…

Nordsyrien: Türkische Rhetorik und Wirklichkeit

Original article by Thomas Pany, Heise, November 9th, 2019 Telepolis-Salon am 5. November zum völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieg Erdogans In Afrin lebten vor dem Einmarsch des türkischen Militärs und ihrer islamistischen Verbündeten…

Syria: Death of Kurd in protest against Turkish ‘invaders’ is ‘significant moment’

In towns across a predominantly Kurdish part of Syria, the people have fled as the Turkish army has moved in. Kurdish villages threw rocks at a Turkish and Russian military convoy in Sermisaxa Jor Original article by Mark Stone, Sky News,…

„Leopard-2“-Panzer an der Seite von Milizen in Syrien im Einsatz

Die Türkei setzt bei ihrer Offensive schweres Gerät gegen kurdische Einheiten ein. Darunter sind Panzer, die aus Deutschland geliefert wurden. Die Türkei hat offenbar eine syrische Rebellengruppe mit Ausrüstung und schwerem Gerät versorgt.(Foto: AFP) Original…

For Kurds on the Syrian Front Line There’s No Ceasefire

In the past month, thanks to Trump’s infamous phone call, everything changed in northeast Syria, including alliances, but the fighting goes on. Delil Souleiman/Getty Original article by Benedetta Argentieri and Khabat Abbas, November…

Middle East Elderly Kurdish civilian dies after assault by Turkish-backed group in Syria’s Afrin

73-year-old Suleyman Hamko died on Tuesday after being assaulted by members of a Turkish-backed militia outside Afrin. (Photo: Social Media) Original article by Wladimir van Wilgenburg, Kurdistan 24, November 8th, 2019 ERBIL (Kurdistan…

The Plight of Ancient Christians in Northeast Syria

(Burak Kara/Getty Images) Original article by Sanharab Barsoum, Faithwire, November 7, 2019 The views expressed in this commentary piece are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of Faithwire. Outside of Tel Temir…

Turkey’s 2018 invasion of Afrin created a human rights catastrophe, research concludes

The Turkish Army in the centre of Afrin in 2018 Original article by Steve Sweeney, November 7, 2019 TURKEY’S illegal invasion and occupation of Afrin, northern Syria, last year has created a human rights catastrophe that needs to be…

Turkey’s track record: The occupation of Afrin

This report presents the situation of the Afrin region of North and East Syria, which has been under Turkish occupation since March 2018. As the regions of Sere Kaniye and Tel Abyad and surrounding countryside have fallen under control…

‘The Bombs Are Drawing Close’

Our village was built to create a peaceful place for women in Syria who have fled war and other hardships. But now our futures are full of danger. Members of the Kurdish community protested in Paris last month against the Turkish invasion…

Humanitarian Crisis Worsens as New Frontline Opens in North-East Syria

Original article by Stephen Delahunty, Byline Times, November 4th, 2019 In Til Timir, Turkish tanks continue to attack Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) positions, fires burn around the edge of the town to obscure the view of Turkish…