Entries by Rojava IC


Statement from SDF commander about final operation against ISIS

Adnan Afrin, commander in charge of final operation in Baghuz to Rojava Information Center, 14 Feb, 2019 “There are civilians now surrendering to SDF, civilians who were living in ISIS territory. The civilians who are living in Baghoz, it’s a significant number, around 1600. Those who are surrendering are ISIS families. Before, we stopped the […]


Syria, an Italian photographer injured in Deir Ezzor – The Post Internazionale, Italy

Original article by Futura D’Aprile, The Post Internazionale, Italy Gabriele Micalizzi si trovava nella zona per documentare l’offensiva delle forze curdo-arabe contro l’Isis: le sue condizioni non sembrano gravi. Un fotografo italiano, Gabriele Micalizzi, è rimasto ferito mentre si trovava con un collega della Cnn nella zona di Deir Ezzor, in Siria. Secondo l’agenzia di stampa […]

Italian photographer hurt in Syria – ANSA, Italy

Original article by ANSA, Italy, Feb 11, 2019 (ANSA) – Rome, February 11 – An Italian photographer has been hurt in a battle at Syria’s last ISIS bastion and is already returning to Italy, sources said Monday.Milan-born Gabriele Micalizzi, 34, was injured in the battle between hundreds of ISIS militiamen and advancing pro-US forces at […]

Bulletin: North East Syria updates 4 – 10.02.2019

Key events:– Final assault launched on ISIS pocket south of Deir-Ez-Zor, following evacuation of 20,000 civilians in recent weeks:  Read more – American military sources say most forces will be leaving Syria by March, with complete withdrawal by April: Read more – 63 suspected ISIS militants arrested in the city of Raqqa by Syrian Democratic Forces: Read more Spotlight: […]

In northern Syria, volunteers are trying to establish an independent media center – Neues Deutschland, Germany

Original article by Gamze Kafar, Neues Deutschland, Feb 10, 2019. Im Osten Syriens kämpfen die Syrischen Demokratischen Kräfte (SDF) gegen die letzten Bastionen des »Islamischen Staates«. Wie immer in diesem Krieg ist es für internationale Medien schwer, Nachrichten und verlässliche Informationen zu erhalten. Unabhängige Medien sind nach wie vor eine dringende Notwendigkeit in der Region. Dies […]

Rojava: the danger remains – Wochenzeitung, Switzerland

Original article by Julia Wartmann, Wochenzeitung, January 10, 2019. Im Norden Syriens wird trotz widersprüchlicher Signale aus Washington und Ankara weiter mit einer türkischen Militäroffensive gerechnet. Von Julia Wartmann Seit der Ankündigung von US-Präsident Donald Trump im Dezember, die amerikanischen Truppen aus Syrien innert kurzer Frist abzuziehen, verbreiten die internationalen Medien ständig neue Zustandsmeldungen. Nach dem […]


Anonymous heroines of Syria face ISIS & patriarchy – TV3, Catalonia

Original article by Txell Feixas, TV3, Feb 2, 2019. El conflicte sirià ens ha sorprès, durant gairebé vuit anys, superant llindars de crueltat cada cop més inhumans. Per això, en aquest país es poden sentir ara testimonis de resistència impactants. Especialment veus femenines, també en aquest context brutalment silenciades i castigades. T’imagines ser segrestada per […]


Post-ISIS, Americans join Kurdish fighters in Syria – Fox News, USA

Original article by Hollie McKay When ISIS overran swaths of Syria’s autonomous Kurdish region of Rojava in 2014, scores of Westerners and some self-proclaimed freedom fighters flocked to the region to volunteer with the local Kurdish militia, known as the People’s Protection Units (YPG), even at the risk of being prosecuted in their homeland. And […]