Entries by Rojava IC

Bulletin: North East Syria Updates – 25.2.2019

Key events – Hundreds of people are leaving Baghouz, the last hold-out of ISIS, to al-Hol camp in Hasekeh, where the number is day by day increasing and around 40,000 refugees are currently being held. – The number of surrendered and imprisoned IS fighters is increasing significantly (exact amount not confirmed). The majority of worldwide […]


What do we do with the foreign ISIS fighters? – Cadena SER, Spain

Original article by Oriol Andrés Gallart, Cadena SER, Spain, Feb 23, 2019 Cientos de extranjeros viajaron a Siria e Irak para luchar en las filas de Estado Islámico. Ahora que el autoproclamado “califato” de 2014 llega a su fin, los países europeos deben decidir cómo gestionar el retorno de estos yihadistas con pasaporte comunitario que […]

The last spot of IS – Wochenzeitung, Switzerland

Original article by Julia Wartmann, Wochenzeitung, Feb 21, 2019 Schon bald dürfte der sogenannte Islamische Staat in Syrien militärisch besiegt sein. Umso dringender stellt sich die Frage: Was geschieht nun mit den Menschen in den zurückeroberten Gebieten? Der Sieg über die Terrororganisation Islamischer Staat (IS) steht kurz bevor – jedenfalls wenn man den markigen Worten des US-Präsidenten […]

Bulletin: North East Syria updates 10 – 17.02.2019

Key events: ISIS’ physical caliphate reduced to last few hundred square meters, not eradicated yet due to civilian presence: Read more ISIS sleeper cell attacks on the increase across North East Syria: Read more more than 1000 ISIS members believed to have fled into Iraq with up to $200million in cash in last 6 months: […]


Interview with SDF spokesperson Mustafa Bali

about the on-going fights in Baghouz to Rojava Information Center, Feb 12, 2019 Update on the situation in Baghouz? Is it true there’s only 1KM² left? Now, the war in Baghouz can be described as taking place in a very limited space. Before we said 4 kilometres, or 2 kilometres, or 1 kilometre… but because […]


Statement from SDF commander about final operation against ISIS

Adnan Afrin, commander in charge of final operation in Baghuz to Rojava Information Center, 14 Feb, 2019 “There are civilians now surrendering to SDF, civilians who were living in ISIS territory. The civilians who are living in Baghoz, it’s a significant number, around 1600. Those who are surrendering are ISIS families. Before, we stopped the […]